FX Signal Factory

Welcome to FX Signal Factory

First and foremost, a warm welcome to all visitors to FXSignalFactory.com and the world of Forex trading. We have put together FX Signal Factory for the benefit of those interested in Forex trading and we will be sharing our knowledge, thoughts and experience about Forex trading that hopefully can help you make Pips, Dollars and Sense.

At FX Signal Factory, our aim is to help those struggling to become profitable in Forex trading. You must have read this somewhere about 90% of traders losing money with 5% actually making money and another 5% breaking even. We want to change that statistics and help other fellow traders get into that profitable trader portion.

FX Signal Factory will be categorized as per below. As those categories go live, you will have links going to those categories where you can find information and we sincerely hope the information that you find there can make you a better trader if not a more knowledgeable one.


  • Trading profitably is about accuracy and repeatability in trading and following your trading plan and strategy.
  • Once a strategy is proven to be profitable, rinse and repeat.
  • Plan your trade and trade your plan.
  • Set realistic short-term and long-term goals and follow through.
  • Be patient and consistent, entering a trade only when all your conditions are met, not before!
  • Do not try to anticipate or guess where prices are heading, let the market come to you.


  • Your success is not that far away.
  • Keep on trading and never give up.
  • Feel good about your choice
  • Remember, we are in this together.



Good luck and safe trading!

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